Dak Nong UGGp Management Board visited and worked with Hanoi University of Mining and Geology

On the morning of March 1, the Dak Nong UNESCO Global Geopark Management Board including Ms. Khúc Thị Thoi – Vice Director and Ms. Trần Nhị Bạch Vân – Acting Vice Director visited and worked with the Hanoi University of Mining-Geology.

Recieved the Management Board were Assoc. Prof Trần Thanh Hải, Head of the University and Assoc. Prof. Ngô Xuân Thành – Faculty of Science and Geological Engineering.

During the working session, the two sides exchanged and agreed on a number of possibilities for cooperation, especially in the field of geo-tourism and community education, in order to proceed to the signing of the MoU in the coming time.

Hình ảnh này chưa có thuộc tính alt; tên tệp của nó là 334290724_1545198359282502_7113771142293072516_n-1024x652.jpg

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