The Signing Ceremony was held in the spirit of international cooperation and experiences exchange in heritage conservation, disseminate information on geography, science and local tourism development, promoting the sustainable development of two UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGs).
After a period of exploration and cooperation in the Asian-Pacific Geoparks Network, Dak Nong UNESCO Global Geopark (DNUGGp) and Mudeungsan UNESCO Global Geopark – South Korea have agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Management Boards of two UGGs during the 20th International Symposium on Vulcanospepeology in Dak Nong province.

To contribute to achieving the most important requirements that UNESCO Global Geoparks are striving to promote, the objective of this MoU is international cooperation, experiences exchange between the two M.Bs base on the spirit of friendship, respect of the independence and equal status of each Geopark.
In this agreement, two Geoparks (represented by the Management Boards) will jointly participate in cooperative activities as follows:
1. Exchange ideas and experiences in heritage conservation, disseminate information on geography, science and local tourism development.
2. Cultural and tourism cooperation, promoting the sustainable development of both geoparks.
3. Exchange opinions and information online through the internet and other tools to share experiences in developing and promoting Geoparks.
4. Plan to organize joint education programs, such as exchange programs for students of each Geopark’s schools.
5. Plan to build and develop websites or publications of the partner Geopark, promote joint research activities, etc.
This MoU does not create any legal relationship between two Geoparks under domestic and international laws. Both Geoparks participating in this agreement are not bound by law until and unless an agreement has been negotiated and validly executed by authorized representatives of both Geoparks. This MoU also does not create any legal procedures between the two Geoparks.
The cooperation period is five (5) years, however, either of the Geoparks can terminate this MoU by giving a written notice to the other party one (1) month in advance.
The parties will endeavor to contribute their experience and expertise to implement plans and necessary measures to further promote the common benefits under the MoU base on the spirit of close cooperation and mutual support.