Cinnamomum bejolghota is a species of flowering plant in the Lauraceae family, native to India, Nepal, Myanmar, China and Vietnam. In Vietnam it grows in Ha Giang, Lang Son, Bac Thai down to the Mekong Delta.
Trees 10m high or more; hairless branch. Leaves alternate or nearly opposite, leaf blade oblong, 13-18cm long, 3.5-5cm wide, obtuse at both ends, upper surface glossy, yellow brown, lower surface pinkish-brown; 3 base veins, lateral veins extending to leaf tips; petiole about 1cm. panicles in axillary include many cymbal, 20-25cm long; there are 2 types of flowers; The middle flowers are larger than the side flowers. Berries oval, 1cm long, base with remaining perianth, black.
Containing oil, Cinnamomum bejolghota is sweet, spicy, warm; can be used for treating diarrhea, abdominal pain, liver pain, bone and joint pain, impotence, amenorrhea; Externally it can be used to treat bleeding, fractures, snake bites…