Nature Forest pathway


Endospermum sinensis

Endospermum sinensis, a woody plant in the family Euphorbiaceae, is a native species, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical rainforests in Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia and southern China.

Endospermum sinensis is a light-loving, fast-growing, deciduous broad-leaved, wide and airy foliage, straight stem tree without frills and bumps which can be up to 35m in height and 90-120cm in diameter.

The bark is earthy yellow with longitudinal cracks. The wood is light pale yellow. Leaves are greenish-yellow, single, heart-shaped, 10-35cm in length, with 3-5 base veins and petioles as long as the leaves. Flowers are unisexual with different roots, self-inflorescence without corolla. Fruit is globose 10-15mm in diameter, covered with yellowish-brown hairs. Flowering season is May-June while fruit ripening is November-December.

Endospermum sinensis trees are planted for shadow or for wood which is harvested for making boards, plywood, matches, pencils, paper powder…

Địa chỉ

Đường 23/3, p. Nghĩa Trung, TP.Gia Nghĩa,

Tỉnh Đăk Nông.

Liên hệ

Phone: (+84) 2613 93 93 93

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