Nature Forest pathway

© Nguyen Hoai Bao
© Nguyen Hoai Bao

Red-whiskered bulbul

The red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), or crested bulbul, is a passerine bird native to Asia.

It is a resident frugivore found mainly in tropical Asia. It has been introduced in many tropical areas of the world where populations have established themselves. It is common in hill forests and urban gardens.

The red-whiskered bulbul is about 20cm in length. It has brown upper-parts and whitish underparts with buff flanks and a dark spur running onto the breast at shoulder level. It has a tall pointed black crest, red face patch and thin black moustachial line. The tail is long and brown with white terminal feather tips, but the vent area is red.

The loud and evocative call is a sharp kink-a-joo (also transcribed as pettigrew or kick-pettigrew or pleased to meet you) and the song is a scolding chatter. They are more often heard than seen, but will often perch conspicuously especially in the mornings when they call from the tops of trees. The life span is about 11 years.

They defend territories of about 3,000 square metres during the breeding season. They roost communally in loose groups of a hundred or more birds.

The red-whiskered bulbul feeds on fruits, nectar and insects.

Địa chỉ

Đường 23/3, p. Nghĩa Trung, TP.Gia Nghĩa,

Tỉnh Đăk Nông.

Liên hệ

Phone: (+84) 2613 93 93 93

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