A banyan tree at B’ Sre B Village, Dak Som Commune, Dak Glong District is the first ancient tree of Dak Nong Province to be recognized as a Vietnam Heritage Tree by the Vietnam Association for Nature and Environment Protection. This tree, which has a height of 30m, a main trunk circumference of 15m and more than 1.000m2 of canopy, is more than 200 years old.

Through many ups and downs of time, this banyan tree still exists there as a historical witness to the heroic struggling period of the local people. In addition, this is also a place for local ethnic communities to organize many important cultural and spiritual exchange activities.
The Ceremony to receive the Recognition Certificate of Vietnamese Heritage Trees was solemnly held by local authorities and people of Dak Som commune on April 20th 2021.
Currently, there are 5.429 trees belonging to 125 species of plants that have been recognized as Vietnam Heritage Trees. This time selection and honor of ancient trees in Dak Nong Province not only brings joy and pride to the B’ Sre B community in particular, the people of Dak Som Commune in general, but also contributes to the conservation of gene resources and biodiversity in Dak Nong UNESCO Global Geopark.